An introduction to the most ancient and most modern philosophy and a justification of the monarchy and the nobility.
The second most peculiar creation, besides man, is the ape. The ancients knew this all too well. Full of bitterness Ennius calls out: “O ape, you abominable monster, how similar you are to us men!” (Cicero, De nat.dor. 1,35.) The ancient beast-men Behemoth and Leviathan are called the “first fruits” of the ways of God” in Job XL.19. That there were, at one time, beast-men is not to be doubted after the discoveries of the Pithecanthropus, Dubois, the Neanderthal, Spyer, Krapinesian skull fragments and countless discoveries of stone tools. It is probable that these beast-men have not yet fully disappeared. It is striking that the most ape-like men and the most man-like apes live so close to one another. This is especially true in central Africa.
… The lewdness of apes, especially of the baboon, exceeds all imagination. They are Sodomites, pederasts and onanists; they also act in a disgraceful manner toward men and boys. It is universally agreed upon that baboons will attack and mistreat little girls, and that in zoos, women are inconvenienced by their vile forwardness and shamelessness. North of Lake Kiwu (Africa) the natives tell of giant apes (gorillas) which abduct women and rip up their sexual parts during intercourse. It is now incumbent upon us to investigate as to why sexual activity with animals is also called Sodomy. The more usual designation is “bestiality.”
… In Sap. IV.6 it is said: “Offspring of illicit intercourse are the progeny of depravity against their progenitors,” and “the seed of unnatural (paranomos) nuptials ought to be eradicated” (Sap. III. 16). “The defilement of entities, the alteration of birth (bastardization), the lack of discrimination in marriage, and the breeding of nameless idols is the cause of all evil, in the beginning and in the end,” thus it is profoundly written in Sap. XIV.26.
… It had gone so far that natural intercourse between human men and human women had become a “new thing”and fornication with monstrosities had become the norm. The dealing in, and breeding of, the progeny of Sodom was a very lucrative branch of commerce, and especially the priests of the Temple acquired enormous riches for themselves through this endeavor — for men and women had to buy the Sodomite pleasure for a high price. (Ez. XVI.33).
… Herodotus (II,46) reports the following: “The goat and Pan are called Mendes in Egypt. In the region of Mendes, in my time, the following oddity occurred: A goat (tragos) was mated with a woman before everyone’s eyes.” In fact, we see a woman in just such a copulation with an animal on an Etruscan mirror.
… “Ye cannot drink from the cup of the Lord and that of the demons at the same time” is always interpreted as Sodomy. Even a more modern theologian, such as the Jesuit Pesch (in prael. dogm. III.221) says that all the idolatry in the Old Testament is really diabolic whoredom. Aelian VII.19 says that the cynecephalics and tragoi have an untamable instinct to mix with human women. Strabo (802) corroborates Herodotus, when herelates that in Mendes Pan, the goat (tragos), and zoa are worshiped, and there women have sex with the goats. Even today in India, girls are deflowered by an idolatrous doll which is fitted with a large sexual member. The wooden idol has replaced the living Sodomite lover. On the other hand, the pygmy girl impaled on a phallus is archeological proof that men also committed bestiality.
… Sodomy with ape-men is preserved as fornication with devils and demons in the writings of the Church Fathers. The Albegensians and Templars also committed this kind of lasciviousness, and in fact all of medieval witchcraft probably goes back to Sodomy. Even in modern times sexual activity with animals, especially of women with dogs, is not uncommon.
… Extramarital sexual activity between human beings was no transgression in the eyes of the ancients. Strabo (783) states that an adulterer is one who comes from a different kind. Evidently Sodomy is meant, for Sophocles also explains extramarital pregnancy in terms of the interference of a demon. The ape-man is actually called the ”foreigner” by the ancients, the “foreign man”. In the shorter Genesis we find alienigena, and in the corresponding passage in the Book of Kafale “Moloch.” Zach. IX.6 has mamzer, which means “mongrel” or “bastard,” and which is translated by the Greeks with “foreigner,” and by the Romans with “divider” (separator). We also understand the abominable customs of the Babylonians, about which Herodotus (I,199) speaks. In the holy grove of Aphrodite women sit in rows, there is much coming and going, and the ”foreign men” copulate with the women there.
… The mongrels have to be annihilated in order to make a place for the people of God (Sap.XII.4, Gen. XXXIV the Sichemites, Deut. XX.16). God views them as only “so-called humans” (Sap. XII.8).
… Out of the many passages of historical evidence for beast-men and mongrels, I would like to emphasize Pliny VIII,2, who recounts after Artemidorus, that a few Indian tribes cohabit with “wild animals” (feris), and the resultant births are mongrels and “half-beasts.” Pliny says that with no other type of animal is a mixture with humans as easy as it is with swine, and that these mixtures were called hybrids or half-beasts by the ancients.
… Adam bastardized himself with animals … The word “cedar,” which occurs so often in the Bible, frequently means these sex-apes.
… The angels transgressed against the Law, they degenerated through mixing with the women and engendered children, the so-called demons.” In Gen. VI the Fall of the Angels, the beneha-‘elohim (i.e. the god-men) is portrayed in the same way. They found favor with the ape-men, the udumi, and mixed with them.
… The god-men sodomized the ape-people, or udumu-people. Through this action they themselves lost something of their higher natures, and on the other hand made the udumi more like gods and bred them upward (Gen. III.22) … For this reason Christ can say (Jn. VIII.44) to the Sodomite people among his contemporaries that they are the children of the Devil.
… My Friends, who I, in my body and soul, feel to be the children and sons of these primeval enemies of the apelings, let us hold in the highest regard the most precious heritage of our fathers –our blood, our seed — as something Divine! We do not wish ourselves to be regarded as angels, the blood of each and everyone of us is more or less mixed with the water of Sodom. But from this point forward a halt should be called to this mixing. Mankind is unequal, and a deep moat that cannot be overwhelmed surrounds Walhalla — a moat that no apeling must be allowed to jump over. In the struggle against the apes of Sodom each one must begin within himself, especially in the choice of his wife, then he can fight against the apes of Sodom which surround him … Victory will be ours — ancient, divine oracles speak in our behalf. Among our foes is the ape, in us and for us is God — the all-knowing, all-powerful entity of the original cosmos. It follows from many passages in the Bible that the European white man — in short, the Germanic man — is the Son of Heaven. He is the white stone (Rev. VI.8), the White Rider who conquers the colored people, he is the Logos (Rev.VI; XIX). Also in the Koran (VII,43) it is said that Paradise is certain for the whites.
… For over a thousand years the “Welsh” [= Romanized French] and the Slavs, along with the rest of the mob of apemen, have been a constant danger to our culture, they are our bitter enemies for whom no act of malice or violence is too terrible to use in order to destroy us! Woe to the brood of Sodom when we settle our accounts with them! They are more dangerous now than ever before. We have ourselves bred them upward.
… The [ape] whore in the marriage-bed is the downfall of peoples and states. Pleasure-apes burn down the city (Prov. XXIX.8).
… The strictest pure-breeding standards are necessary. We may not cast the pearls before the swine, we have to keep the salt for ourselves (Mk. IX.49).
… Bastards are usually physically and culturally poor. Among the Persians when someone commits a crime an investigation is made as to whether he is a bastard. (Her. 1,137). He who is of God cannot sin, while he who is of the beast-men must sin (I Jn. III.8). Juvenile delinquents should be castrated without mercy, or sterilized (by radiation). The invention of a functional sterilization device or agent would be the greatest boon for mankind.
… Only noble men alone, men with a heroic way of thinking, who know what it means to raise and support a child, only men who cherish children, only they will then engender children. But those who seek out copulation only for purposes of lascivious enjoyment, the nymphomaniacal baboon she-creatures afraid of birth pains — they will exterminate themselves, will strangle themselves with the rubber.
… Pure-breeding is the priority for true disciples of the Logos, who abhor all bastardizing mongrelization as both contrary to law and Godless … Do not drink of “strange” (apeling’s) water, drink from your own well (Prov. V.15). Hold yourself back from the”stranger” (= apeling) (Sibylline Oracles II). Avoid Sodomy and copulation with the hobgoblins of pleasure, rear your own species (Sib. III,762) … We must take off the dark pelt of the ape and put on the shining breast-plate of the God-Man.
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