In 2014, CERN uploaded a video to YouTube called “We Are Happy At CERN”. They typed inverted commas around the word “Happy”.
They did that for two reasons:
1) the song in the video by “Pharrel Williams” is called “Happy”
2) the word “Happy” equals 66
CERN’s “Large Hadron Collider” is a “Resurrection Machine” and when the nuclear explosion occurs the “King” will be resurrected. Who’s the King?
The “King” is a “Woman” from Australia. That’s where you’ll find a “Koala Bear”. The “Crux” (Southern Cross) constellation is only visible in the Southern Hemisphere. She’s going to be crowned “King” at the nuclear rapture. The word “Corona” means “Crown”.
The King is located at the 33rd parallel South. That’s why you can see a “Fireman” looking up at the number 33 on the “Fire Truck” in CERN’s video.
I had a friend called “Armando” but he died last year.
We used to fight a lot and he called Me many hurtful names.
Evil White supremacists such as Myself know all about the “Day Of The Rope”. Maybe that’s why he sent Me this photo of a noose before he killed himself.
After he died I published a book called Sex, Rock ‘n’ Pin-Ups. I’ve always had psychos stalking Me but after I released My book all the Mexicans started stalking Me.
Mexicans always accuse White people of being racist and that’s because they are. One of them posted a comment on My site and said I have a “Holocaust Mouth”.
“Happy” is a song written, produced, and performed by American singer Pharrell Williams, released as the first and only single from the soundtrack album for the film Despicable Me 2 (2013).
The 16th track on the album is called “Moving To Australia”.
America will be harvested because it is a melting pot of shit. “Melting”.
The word “Holocaust” means “burnt offering”. There’s no denying it, the real one, that is.
“Covid Nineteen” is heralding the upcoming “Holocaust” of the “Amerimutts”. It’s going to be great, isn’t it? I’ve been waiting for years.
They’re all going to get what they deserve. Bye-bye bastards.
Now you know what the true meaning of “No One Left Behind” is. That’s a phrase all the Christian hypocrites use when talking about the rapture even though they don’t know what the rapture really is. There won’t be anybody left behind. Don’t you worry about that. All of them are going to burn, including all the American sluts.
Why do you think the mongrels who rule this world are pushing the multiculturalism agenda? Because when humans have sex with different species they produce mongrels and mongrels aren’t human. Their DNA code is all messed up and if your DNA code is corrupted then you are not going to be resurrected (“evolve”) at the singularity/rapture. They’ve been trying to kill us off for thousands of years. Crabs in a bucket mentality. They know they’re going to die so they’re trying to take down as many others with them as they can. Do you understand now? It’s not about racism, it’s about jealousy. They don’t want us to evolve and that’s because they’re not going to. The vaccination is their last attempt at killing us off. Those who have been tricked into taking it are going to die, along with all the mongrels.
The numbers reveal the truth. Open your eyes and look.
I’m Happy Hardcore
The lyrics “Because I’m Happy” are repeated throughout Pharrel William’s song in CERN’s video.
A guy holding a piece of paper with “We Are Happy At CERN” can be seen at 2:31. He’s also holding a “Thumb Up” like in My digital collage called Judgement Day.
“Trinity was the code name of the first detonation of a nuclear weapon.
Detonated on the 33rd degree parallel North.
Race of the Future
According to Wikipedia, “the race of the future is a theoretical composite race which will result from the ongoing racial admixture.” Richard von Coudenhove-Kalergi in Practical Idealism states:
The man of the future will be of mixed race. Today’s races and classes will gradually disappear owing to the vanishing of space, time, and prejudice. The Eurasian-Negroid race of the future will replace the diversity of peoples with a diversity of individuals.
Richard was an Austrian-Japanese mongrel so of course his dream was to have a world populated by diseased mongrels like himself. The “Race Of The Future” isn’t going to be a race of hybrids and this can easily be proven by looking at the numbers.
The “Race Of The Future” will be “Vegan” and “Pure”. I don’t like the word “Vegan” because it’s a label used by money-hungry companies to sell processed garbage to the gullible masses. The “Race Of The Future” will not be disgusting blood-drinking flesh-eaters. They will be vegetarian. That fact can even be found in the bible so if you’re a flesh-eating vampire who calls yourself “Christian” then you might want to read Isaiah 11:1-10.
Mongrels are not pure-bloods so the “Race Of The Future” will not be mixed species. The numbers prove it.
In the English Ordinal cipher the “Race Of The Future” will be “Extraordinary” and “Homo Superior”. This is the race of pure-blooded Homo sapiens who will evolve to “Homo Superior” at the rapture. This will be the commencement of the “Golden Age” or “Age Of Aquarius”. In Revelation 22 it states that the “dogs” (mixed-species mongrels) do not “have right to the tree of life” and will not be allowed “into the city”. They will be exterminated at the rapture, i.e. “cast into the lake of fire” (Revelation 20:15).
Happy Hardcore
I’m happy and I also like “Happy Hardcore”. I’m happy and hardcore.
Evolution for Us humans. Death for all the mongrels.
Yes, we are not the monkeys
H.P. Baxxter (Weekend! by Scooter)
But we’ve got the key
The key is DNA code. 🙂
Further Reading:
⚡️ Dis-CERNing the God Particle
⚡️ CERN, Synchrotron and Telepathic Technology
⚡️ CERN at The Armageddon Times (page 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7)
⚡️ Nimrod’s Tomb Found: Cloning of Nimrod and Osiris Underway
⚡️ Everything You Need To Know About CERN AWAKE Experiment
⚡️ CERN Just Approved Plans for the Mother of All Stargates. What Do They Hope to Awaken With Massive 62 Mile Super-Collider?
Related Links:
Bitch 66
The India Code
Rapture Is Rupture
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