Thus Speaketh The Stomach

Thus Speaketh The Stomach & The Tragedy Of Nutrition by Professor Arnold Ehret (1922)

Still greater than within myself and my surroundings is the accumulation of filth at the outlet of the drainage pipe. Through decades of damming up, there has gathered a mire-like mass beyond description. The deep folds conceal heaps of slime and fecal matter in stony formation of many years’ standing. This ulcerating and fermenting depositary of putrefying refuse of the process of disintegration of one’s own tissues is, in conjunction with myself, a first-class hotbed and breeding place of all diseases. Here is the dark, secret, underground reservoir of the dietary mire, which is poisoning the bloodstream from childhood on, and like an obscure subterranean spring, is feeding all painful disease symptoms.

Germs of decayed and live parasites, broods of vermin of various species, live and thrive on the refuse of flesh and starch in the alimentary canals of unnumbered people displaying a good appetite and a voracity for the favored food of these pests. Fruit acids would kill them—but my interior walls and my reflecting image, the taste-organ (tongue), are so charged with slime and so pasty that I cannot make known my primitive instinct for fruit. Air, water, sunshine, fruit sugar, fruit acids—and the building stones of organized substances containing albumen in the maximum of one-half per cent, were originally and still are the sole and natural components of my helio-electric formation of blood—with radioactive force from sweet scents and odors of fruits, ‘the bread of Heaven’.

Professor Arnold Ehret (Thus Speaketh The Stomach, 1922)
Vegan Junk Food Bar


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