Do not intermarry with them.
Deuteronomy 7:3
Poopskinned Nation
I was recently attempted to be robbed by a disgusting Indian subhuman (again) so decided to investigate further into this wretched mud species. I watched a documentary titled Poopskinned Nation and was horrified. I knew that India was the filthiest country in the world but not as filthy as it actually is. I literally nearly threw up on multiple occasions while watching it. Here are a selection of screenshots along with a transcript from the documentary in case it gets deleted. Prepare to have your eyes opened and please don’t make the mistake of watching it while eating dinner because it will be regurgitated. The documentary will clearly explain why immigrant and invader, Shaheena Dax, decided to escape its filthy Third World home and spread its disease in a European country where it clearly does not belong. Seeing it dressed as a European with bleached blonde hair and pretending to be a musician in a rock band will suddenly become insanely hilarious to everybody who has been brainwashed into believing it has talent.
India, a country shrouded in mystery. It is a cursed land and quite possibly the most disgusting country on Earth today. Some may even say it is the worst country to ever exist. In this godforsaken land the native Indian Hindu, more colloquially known as the “pajeet”, breeds out of control like a plague of rats. Often defecating in the open with no regard for its native habitat, the pajeet spreads across the face of the Earth like a cancerous tumour consuming all in its path while the world watches on in disgust and horror. With almost 1.4 billion pajeets and rising, our Mother Earth buckles under the terrible strain as these creatures rapidly multiply in their own filth with seemingly no end in sight.
Although they are incredibly disgusting and unhygienic creatures, somehow the pajeet manages to procreate and thrive in its horrible surroundings. Often mutated due to its toxic environment … its life is one of never-ending death, never-ending defecation and even more, never-ending degeneracy. To gaze at India is like looking into the very mouth of hell itself.
Mired in filth, the disgusting slum-like conditions of India are a blight on the once beautiful face of Mother Earth. Every time a new pajeet is born she sheds a single tear. These tears rain down on our landscape as the Earth cries out in agony. In its relentless march to destroy everything around it, the pajeet litters its surrounding environment with a never-ending amount of trash and faeces. One wonders, will there ever be an end to this horror?
The native Hindu of India, more commonly known as simply “pajeet”, is a cursed and often reviled species. Mocked by everybody around it, the pajeet often spends its days seething in delusional rage on the internet trying to convince others that India is, or one day will be, a superpower. Of course, most people don’t fall for this ruse, the premises entirely ridiculous after all.
A disgusting but fascinating species, the pajeet is widely known for several key characteristics. First and foremost of these is its relatively low intelligence. With a median IQ of just 76.2, the pajeet fails to impress with its limited cognitive functionality. For reference, other more evolved species such as the western lowland gorilla have been shown to have an IQ score ranging between 70 to 90.
In comparison to this lofty intelligence the pajeet falls depressingly short. However, this low intelligence score comes as no surprise. The pajeet is well known for having the smallest brain of any of the “human” subvariants. The smallest of its brain is only rivalled by the equally small size of its reproductive organs. Cursed from birth to live a miserable existence … stunningly unattractive, the pajeet is the least desirable species of any species on Earth. Famous for their terrible body odour, the pajeet exudes a thick miasma around itself smelling strongly of sweat, curry, smelly feet, and with a faint tinge of faeces. This may be due to the traditional pajeet method of cleaning themselves after they practice defecation.
In stark contrast to methods used by the more civilised members of the human race, the pajeet will simply wipe its bottom with its hand before splashing water on its hind regions in a futile effort to clean itself. It’s questionable if the pajeet is ever really clean. Even when they travel to other parts of the globe seeking menial employment, perhaps as an Uber driver or food delivery worker, they often carry a bottle with them so they can quickly defecate and rinse their nether regions on the go.
Many of the bizarre eccentricities of the pajeets of India may be due to the high rate of inbreeding that occurs within the country. This inbreeding results in a high rate of birth defects although given how dysgenic and misshapen the average pajeet appears to be, it would be very difficult to tell if it was “normal” or not.
In some cases, these birth defects lead to spectacular mutations and could lead one to question whether the pajeet was really human or not. Perhaps they could be vile chaos creatures from the warp. I doubt that even the famous H.P. Lovecraft could have envisioned such horrors.
It is interesting to note that when the following group of negroes were asked which girls they would never date they answered, “Indians”. Now that’s saying something.
“What race would you not date?”
“Indians … I can’t deal with it.”
“They just stink.”
“Their food stinks.”
Wherever the pajeet migrates to it will spread trash around it like it is building a nest made of filth. When its time comes to an end, the pajeet’s body will be thrown into the river where it is often eaten by the many stray dogs in India today.
With limited food available for the stray dogs of India in a landscape of such incredible amounts of trash and faeces, a favourite meal of these hardy dogs is the corpse of a pajeet.
Although the pajeet probably tastes even worse than it smells in such a devastated wasteland, these corpses are often the only food source available for these dogs.
Although many members of the human race would be perturbed by the decrepit conditions in India, the pajeets of India have perfectly adapted to the filth of their surrounding environment. This can be seen most apparently in what passes for food in India. Many would be unable to stomach such dishes but for the hardy pajeet just about anything is tolerable. A true omnivore in every sense of the word, it is able and willing to consume almost anything to meet its daily nutritional needs.
Food hygiene practices that would see almost any other member of the human race laid low with illness and explosive diarrhoea, or even an untimely demise, are of little concern to the pajeet. In fact, it readily enjoys consuming these dishes and will often gloat on the internet about how its country, India the superpower, has incredible food.
For the pajeet, cutlery, plates, or even tables are entirely optional. Much like when it needs to defecate, if there is nowhere else convenient, there is plenty of room on the street outside.
So incredible is the immune system of the pajeet that they are even able to subsist off the urine and faeces of other animals with no need to cook them beforehand. Abhorrent to everyone else in the human race, in India these two dishes are considered a delicacy. A traditional meal for a very traditional culture.
In India it’s a crime to eat the cow itself but they make widescale use of the products the cow produces, especially its faeces. More than just a quick meal, consuming the dung of the Indian cow is also a form of worship for the pajeet.
The vast majority of people would recoil in horror at the thought of consuming any type of faeces but for the pajeet this is a daily practice. Much like the cow itself, the dung of the creature forms an indispensable part of the pajeet’s ecosystem and without it, it is unlikely that it would survive.
Every day, over 6,000 pounds of this stuff comes out of these cows from which they make health and beauty products. These sacred stools are used to produce cosmetics like soap and cow dung toothpaste. If gum disease is your problem a scoop of poop might be the solution.
Much of India’s vast wealth can be found in its seemingly limitless supply of readily available faeces. In a landscape as polluted and devastated by the ravages of the pajeet’s proclivity to consume and destroy all around it, the dung of the Indian cow is the adhesive that holds it all together. Without this plentiful bounty, India itself would cease to function.
To the pajeets of India, cow dung represents very life itself. Much like a dung beetle, the pajeet jealously hordes stocks of faeces. With this supply they can endure any hardship. In India, everything is dung and dung is everything. There has probably never been a more poignant love affair in all of nature’s history than that between the pajeet and its dung.
Houses made of sticks and animal faeces in all their simplicity, an enduring testament to the necessary relationship between a pajeet and its dung, perfectly sustainable and radically advanced. With this technology India will travel to the stars. Perhaps even more prominent than the giant mounds of trash that scar the landscape, fecal matter is the greatest symbol of India. At the end of the day, faeces represents all the finest qualities of the pajeets. It is their most defining characteristic and the one they are most well known for.
Never more relaxed than it is than when covered in faeces, this is the pajeet in its natural environment.
Away from the endless trash and smog of the cities, here in its tub of faeces, the pajeet wallows like a hippopotamus in the wilds of Africa. This is its element. From this tub immersed in what it holds the most dearest in the world, cow dung, it is able to finally relax. No more is it worried about its low IQ or the depressing size of its woefully small reproductive organ. From this vantage point it can see the entire world laid bare before it. For the first time in a while, it allows its mind to drift to thoughts of becoming the CEO of an information technology company like Microsoft or Google or perhaps, even the prime minister of Britain.
It is in tubs of faeces like these it can decide which Western country it wants to move to, to spread its unique form of filth and stench to the greater world. Even though it is often told otherwise, it believes its way of life would be a benefit to other countries, but not to India, for there is nothing else for it to do here. In its mind, India is already a superpower and it must migrate elsewhere if it is to find a willing mate and spread its genes.
The pajeet often decides to leave its homeland of India and travel to other parts of the world. Although it considers India the greatest country to ever exist, the pajeet invariably moves to a Western country. Why pajeets migrate in this manner is a mystery of nature.
Females who visit India often fear being raped. Rape is the primary method the pajeet species uses to secure a partner. In search of vulnerable mates it migrates to America. Here, it might find more success. The pajeet must rape at any cost. Its attempt to find a partner are not always so unsuccessful. Sometimes the pajeet can find more success in groups in a breeding method often employed in nature by mallard ducks, colloquially termed “gang rape”. The pajeet has developed many ruses to isolate vulnerable females (or males) to rape. We can see this breeding strategy employed again and again in nature. Using an exploit known as the “student visa”, the pajeet travels to distant lands in a cunning ruse. It masquerades as an Uber driver to isolate women alone in its rental car. There, it is free to exercise its unique breeding strategy without interruption. Unfortunately, not all of its chosen mates survive this harsh style of breeding and if things go wrong, the pajeet can quickly return to India in an attempt to escape consequences.
The pajeet is one of the few known creatures on Earth today that engages in cross-species breeding. Here we can observe a pajeet in the wild clumsily trying to copulate with one of its holy bovines. Perhaps, due to the small size of its reproductive organ, the cow doesn’t seem to notice that it is being raped. These attempts at cross-species breeding by the pajeet in its homeland of India have been documented many times for posterity. These archive serve as a valuable resource for all who seek to understand the pajeet and its behaviours.
It is unknown why the pajeets of India engage in this practice. This method of breeding, although rape, would not be able to reproduce any offspring for the pajeet. Seemingly, the pajeet’s instinct to rape defies any type of common sense. With such an abundance of stray dogs prevalent in India the pajeet has no problems obtaining a mate when it looks outside of its own species. Perhaps scorned by humans and unable to breed otherwise, the pajeet’s solution to its dilemma is to find the nearest lone animal. In this aspect, it displays its cunning nature. Able to take down defenseless creatures on its own, it does not need to share the spoils of its rape with a gang of other pajeets.
Stray dogs are one of the pajeet’s favourite animals to cross-breed with but it does not just limit its rapeful jaunts to dogs alone. Known to also mate with cows, lizards, and even chickens, the pajeet is just as omnivorous in its lovemaking as it is with its dietary habits.
The pajeet is often mocked by humans for these crossbreeding habits and some may say rightfully so but with its thick and rugged shield of open delusion, the pajeet is unable to ever acknowledge any wrongdoing on its own part. In its mind, any action it carries out can merely be explained away by referencing past grievances for the imagined wrongs he blames others have perpetuated against it.
With an IQ too low to produce anything of value and physically incapable of doing any type of hard labour due to its small and rather unimpressive stature, the pajeets of India have evolved a fascinating method of securing the income required to sustain and perpetuate their existence. Born with an incredible sense of delusion the pajeet employs this ability to its fullest in its life’s work. The scam. The pajeet is able to use its impressive lying and coping abilities to steal vast amounts of money from its unsuspecting victims.
The dream of every pajeet is to spread its seed over the entire face of the Earth and turn everything as far as the eye can see into India. Even now, countries such as Canada have been almost entirely consumed by the migrating herds of pajeets. With their low IQs and no actual university education, these so-called “skilled migrants” are incredibly unskilled indeed. Every day with bewilderment and a rightful sense of amusement, the rest of the many races that make up humanity laugh until they cry at the attempts of the pajeet to convince others it is a skilled engineer. Seemingly unable to invent cutlery and still yet to discover toilets, technology widely employed by everyone else, the pajeet’s claims of being skilled engineers are perhaps even more ridiculous than the attempts of its pajeet hijra brethren to convince others they are real women. Virtually nobody on Earth believes either of these claims for they are blatantly false as anyone with eyes can clearly see.
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