“Prince Charming” by Adam Ant started playing on two separate occasions after entering a store. Look at the lyrics:
Don’t you ever
Lower yourself
Forgetting all your standards
On December 20th, I made a post in which I stated:
The life is in the blood and Mine isn’t contaminated with monkey … Never be ashamed of who You are, no matter what the pigs tell you!
I’ve been posting about the first human being created, “Adam“, and the importance of not contaminating Yourself by having relations with different species. Adam Ant tells Us to never lower Ourselves and forget all Our standards. Have You lowered yourself and forgotten all Your standards or are You intelligent like Me and have chosen to remain separate from them?
It’s not a coincidence that this song started playing twice while shopping. It’s also not a coincidence that Adam Ant recorded a track called “Picasso Visits the Planet of the Apes” for the 2004 reissue of the Prince Charming album. Third “coincidence” is that the photo on the Prince Charming album is the same one I used to create My Adam Ant painting back in 2019.
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