Occult Secrets Of Vril

Occult Secrets Of Vril Society

I’m reading Robert Sepehr’s book, Occult Secrets of Vril and there is nothing in it that I don’t already know. The book has a few grammatical errors and is very basic, for somebody like Me. It would be interesting reading for those who would like to know more about My species though.

Sepehr states:

The vegetarian Vril race are, by their own reckoning, racially and culturally superior to everyone else on Earth.

True. If you’ve studied the human body you will know that We are designed to consume and assimilate raw plant foods only. Emphasis on “vegetarian”, NOT vegan. Vegans are a group of mind-controlled ignoramuses who have no clue about Vril Life Force and will eat any dead disease-causing chemical concoction as long as it has the word “vegan” printed on the label. The Elect are vegetarian, NOT vegan.

Robert Sepehr Eats Rotting Body Parts

The remaining masses of slaves who populate the world (i.e. “beasts of the field” as the bible calls them, creatures separate from Adam), are cannibals who feast on rotting body parts. According to the Jewish Encyclopedia, Nimrod introduced the eating of flesh by man. [1] His name means “he who made all the people rebellious against God”. There are billions who are rebelling against God, or if you don’t like that word, you can use “Natural Law”. These dirty parasite-infested creatures mistakenly believe that they can violate the Laws of Nature and get away with it. There’s a reason why they’re also referred to as “dogs” and “swine” in the bible.

Do not give what is holy to the dogs; nor cast your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn and tear you in pieces.

Matthew 7:6
Pig Worms
Maturing young adult worms from the gut of a clean pig at slaughter.

How often do you eat bacon, or pork?

Man Eating Bacon Burger

Feral swine are known to carry at least 30 viral and bacterial diseases and nearly 40 parasites that can be transmitted to humans, pets, livestock, and other wildlife.

Internal Parasites Of Pigs
Tapeworm Parasites Found In Man Who Eats Bacon

Tapeworms found in brain of US man who ate undercooked bacon
Detecting parasites in our supermarket meat

A Georgia study found 83.9% of all beef cattle were positive for parasites by fecal examination. A more recent survey showed high prevalence (> 80%) of strongyle eggs in US beef and dairy operations.


Dung-Heap Slaves

Sepehr quotes Terry Melanson:

Unless we become Lords ourselves, we shall find ourselves among the slaves, on the dung-heap that will nourish the roots of the New Cities that will arise.

Is Robert proud to be a flesh-eating slave who will be part of this dung-heap? Why is he wearing the symbol of Vril around his neck if he’s not vegetarian? Is Robert flashing Our hand sign because he’s just a poser who wants to make money from all his gullible followers? Explain yourself Robert!

Related Links:
Robert Sepehr Censors Me

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