I met the Nine Inch Nails band backstage on June 2, 2000 in Paradise, Nevada on their Fragility Tour. I still have the backstage pass from 20 years ago. The entire band was there except for Mr. Nine Inch Nails himself, Trent Reznor. Why is that? People say he’s an arrogant arsehole in real life, which wouldn’t come as surprise.
“The character of a man [or woman] is tested by giving them a measure of fame.”
Test any musician’s (or other celebrity’s) character by giving them a little taste of fame and you’ll discover that the majority, if not all, are arrogant arseholes. I think it’s hilarious and reveals that they’re nothing more than shallow fucking idiots. Sure, they might be talented, like Trenty boy, but that doesn’t mean they’re good people. Why do these fools think they’re gods just because they stand on a stage and sing, or play an instrument? Think really hard about that. Why do they think they’re untouchable just because somebody with a camera filmed/photographed them and put them on TV, or in a magazine? Mind control, that’s why. I love analysing people just like animals in a cage. It fascinates Me to see how they dress, talk, walk, act …. it’s something I’ve been doing since I was a child while sitting alone on a bench in the playground at school and watching all the kids running around like headless chickens.
What’s even more pathetic is how all these people think they’re King Shit once they’ve accumulated a certain amount of worthless fiat money, or even worse, digital numbers on a screen. What are all these mindless money grubbers going to do when the lights go out and all those numbers instantly get erased from their bank accounts? I know what I’ll be doing. I’ll be laughing My arse off. The shekel hoarders will probably start jumping off buildings because everything they’ve worked their entire lives for has suddenly disappeared. It’s just a matter of time! Tick tock.
Trent Reznor is too “famous” to meet his fans. He must have had that dildo shoved right up his arse when I went backstage and expected to meet him that night. In his song “The Hand That Feeds” he asks the question, “Will you bite the hand that feeds you?”
He should ask himself that because that’s exactly what he does every time he appoints himself “God” and thinks he’s too good to meet the people who made him. What would he or any other celebrity be if it wasn’t for their fans?
He knows it too, but is too proud to admit it. Don’t worry dickheads, the time is coming when all of you and the illusionary “empire of dirt” that you’ve built for yourselves is going to collapse, just like the Twin Towers on 9/11. Oh goody, we can’t wait!
“He [Daisy Berkowitz] was also highly critical of Reznor, whom he alleged destroyed a Fender Jaguar which had been given to him by his father as a child. “I was in the studio, and they were all in the control room, and I’m playing guitar. At the end, Trent says, ‘Do it again, but do it more like this.’ We went through this three times, and he says, ‘Hold on. I’ll come in there. Let me show you what I’m talking about.’ So I take my guitar off, hand it to him—and he smashes it, just to fuck with me. Then he laughed and left the room.”
Trent Reznor Tells Fan To “Suck His Entire Cock”
“Bow down before the one you serve. You’re going to get what you deserve.”
Trent Reznor
The Code
The name Jerome means “sacred name” and Dillon, “like a lion”. As for “Nine Inch Nails”, there are a few theories as to what the name means:
- The nails to crucify Jesus were nine inches long.
- The Statue of Liberty’s nails are nine inches long.
Hmmm, Jesus and Statue of Liberty.
As stated in My Two Witnesses blog, the Sumerian word NIN (from the Akkadian pronunciation of the sign EREŠ) was used to denote a queen or a priestess, and is often translated as “lady“. Other translations include “queen”, “mistress”, “proprietress”, and “lord”.
Jesus + Statue of Liberty + Queen + Lord = ?
Just for fun, I decided to enter “Jesus Is A Woman” in the gematria calculator to see what phrases matched. The first thing that stood out was “Say I Love You” which is what I told the Chinese guy from Shanghai in the video I posted on Instagram on March 20. “Australia On Fire” is another phrase. Interesting.
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