Looking For Stolen Paintings

Armando Huerta - Cheesecake Pin-Up Painting

“Old Tits” is another painting that was stolen by Ricky Carralero. This one was sold on eBay for $3,300 back in 2003 by a lady who was illegally in possession of 3 stolen paintings. I know her name but will not state it here because the parasites are looking for stolen art to buy instead of helping Me to track down paintings that belong to Me. In their sick minds, they believe that they’re going to get away with what they’re doing. Not a chance.

On the phone with Richard Garcia - Ricky Carralero

Carlos Cartagena blocked Me on Instagram yesterday after I uploaded a video of Me speaking on the phone with Ricky’s partner in crime. I told everybody that you could hear both him and “The Con Man” speaking in the background. Carlos is afraid that I’m exposing thieves who are associated with him, one being his best friend and the other, his representative Monica Moynihan. All I’m doing is helping him and suggesting that he distance himself from people who will ruin his reputation and destroy his career. I have a lot more videos I will be uploading with Carlos and “The Con Man” in them. Everybody in the world deserves to know OUR (Me and Armando’s) story, and the true version of it. Armando and I were supposed to write a book together and he’s not here so it’s up to Me to tell the story.

I also had somebody who is associated with Monica threaten and tell Me that I’ll be hearing from his attorney. I told him to zip it and that I wasn’t afraid of his worthless threats.

As for all the people who are sending Me messages from a fake Instagram profile, grow a spine and post your questions publicly. I am no longer going to respond to your messages and will block you instead.

Follow Dark Lord of Pin-Up

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Related Links:
Carlos Cartagena
Dark Lord Of Pin-Up
Armando Huerta Estate
Ricky Carralero Art Theft
Armando Huerta Art Theft
Andrew Bloomer (Bloomdog)
Stolen Armando Huerta Books
Another Stolen Painting Found
Armando Huerta Art Theft Evidence

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