
I was at the store today speaking to a guy about the importance of marrying your kind and how I’ve disowned a certain individual for dating outside their species. I told him that this person is bringing shame to their family and should be disowned by their parents as well.

The correct term for a European dating/marrying somebody from a different species is “mud slut”.

He looked at Me and replied, “So?”.

What do you mean “so”?

He told Me that those days are gone. What days are those? The days before the mongrels started invading all the European countries and raping Europeans? I told him that I’d rather be alone for the rest of My life than be with somebody contaminated with monkey.

Have you seen how bad it’s getting in Europe? The niggers are taking over.

His jaw dropped in shock. Isn’t it funny how zombies can’t handle hearing the truth? The guy was part monkey so I must have offended him. Monkey doesn’t understand genetics and the importance of keeping your bloodline pure so in his eyes, interspecies relationships are fine. Monkey also have low IQ.

After I left the store, I got into My car and a truck with the word “ELITE” pulled out in front of Me. It was also underlined for emphasis.

And here we have the Matrix confirming My status once again, just like it did three weeks ago …

December 4, 2024.

Defined by the Cambridge Dictionary, the “elite” are “the richest, most powerful, best-educated, or best-trained group in a society”.

The wealthy mongrel pedophile rapists who rule this world aren’t the true “Elite”. We, the 100 percenters, are.

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