Blitzkrieg The Subhumans

Emerald Queen - Raw Blank Canvas

Time to remind a well-known grafitti artist who the King is.

Pop Art Customer Review

How on earth am I not a superstar in the pop art world?

Answer: Because I’m a Chosen One who has been targeted since birth. It doesn’t matter how much you excel in a particular field, if you’ve been set apart you’ll never reach the top. My art demolishes well known pop artists whose paintings are embarrassing if you compare them to Mine. Amateurs make millions and Chosen Ones make zero.

I’m also a Woman which makes things worse. Sick “men” are jealous of talented Women. It’s the reason I keep on getting shadowbanned. Pigs hate the truth. 🐷

November 11, 2024

Masking Job

Be careful who you reveal your secrets to. The NPCs are not on your side.

November 13, 2024

It’s been one long hell of a road to self-discovery. Check out the DNA company’s BS response to My question.

Rare DNA - World Genographic Project
DNA Haplogroup Response

My DNA is “very, very current.” BS! As for the world being “much more diverse”, yes, that’s true. Diverse is another way of saying “mongrelized”. I’m an X-Woman, and SUPER PROUD of it! One in billions! It took Me YEARS to figure out why I was (and still am) continually targeted. They’re all JELLY AF!!!!

Who do you think all the comic characters are based on? The few remaining people in the world like Me. 👑

Marvel Comics is the wet dream of founder, Martin Goodman.

November 14, 2024

Spraypaint Background

I was so excited thinking about the death of all poopies that I forgot to mask the rest of the painting. No problemo. X-Woman to the rescue. Isn’t She beautiful?

November 15, 2024

Fluorescent Spray Paint

Imagine dating a guy who was so insecure and full of self-hatred that he spent his entire life licking the arse of his inferiors in order to stay employed. He’s too afraid to stand up for himself because he doesn’t want to “offend” others so has to fall to his knees and beg, just like a dog, for a paycheck. Brown-tongued arse lickers and conformists are the BIGGEST TURN-OFF! Weak cringey losers love living a lie because they don’t have the spine to stand up for the truth and are afraid of the consequences. Whose side are YOU on? I had to remove all the arse lickers out of My life in order to stay sane and focused. After all, you are who you hang out with and I wouldn’t want to be caught dead associating with a nasty arse licker.

A box of FLURO paint just arrived so I will be turning up the LIGHT on My paintings soon. Keep those shades on your face losers. Those who live in darkness walk blindly and are full of shit. Can’t wait for the smiley virus and the beginning of the age of TRUTH.

November 16, 2024

Following the end of the last Ice Age, many Europeans inherited a rare gene associated with blue-eyed people that differentiated them from other species.

If the Nobility have blue eyes, what color eyes do slaves have?

Don’t be fooled. The world is extremely bastardized so if you have blue eyes it does not mean you are descended from royalty. Getting a DNA test would be the only way you’d be able to prove whether you’re descended from the Gods. My DNA only appears in the Nordic races and to small degrees in countries such as England and Ireland (pre-mud invasion).

No other group of people on the planet have this DNA unless they have come in contact with Nordic peoples. It is the root cause for the Nordic appearance …. It is suggested that Nordic people have ALIEN ANCESTORS, they do have a large amount of distinctive DNA that is without explanation and is not found anywhere else.

When you see all those clowns making YouTube videos stating that aliens live among us, they’re referring to Me and others like Me. Here on the Planet of the Apes, My kind are alien.

Ramses and the Gold of the Pharaohs
Ramses and the Gold of the Pharaohs

Photos of My ancestors taken at the Australian Museum at the Ramses and the Gold of the Pharaohs exhibit earlier this year.

I wrote to the original DNA testing company as well. They’re so jealous and full of hate that they didn’t even bother responding to My question. Oh, they know exactly who I am. Why do you think all these schmucks are setting up these DNA testing companies? Do you think they really want to help you trace your family tree? They don’t give a FUCK about that. All they’re interested in is finding the Ones who are descended from the Gods (Genesis 6). Why? Because according to them, We are their “most dangerous enemy”.

November 19, 2024

I always have a huge smile on My face when I listen to European music. It makes Me feel at home. Beautiful music, beautiful aesthetics, always. Compare to American (anti-European) subhuman shit and its accompanying videos of fat diseased hogs twerking their stanky arses like they’re going to explode with diarrhea. Yuck. You’ll never see that in a classy Euro video like this. We brought music to the world and the subhumans corrupted it and turned it into shit. Pigs like Ice T and Dr. Dre rap about killing and raping Europeans. Fucking nasty and so are you if you listen to them, especially if you’re European! WAKE UP morons!!!!

November 20, 2024

Blitzkrieg The Subhumans - WIP 2
Blitzkrieg The Subhumans work in progress.

I love science, do you? Guess what species on this planet belongs to the group with the lowest IQ? Psychologists literally classify them as “morons” (medical classification ICD-9, 1977). Their IQ score falls in the “mental retardation” or “high-grade defect” category.

One of them delivered My lunch today and said the stupidest thing when I opened the front door. I’m not going to repeat it here because psychologists worldwide will then have to invent a new word to describe these complete and utter idiots.

So God created Adam in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.

Genesis 1:27

Adam means “White”. The first humans were White. If God created Us then who created the others? 🤔😉

Marvel Not If The World Hates You

It’s not a coincidence that the word “Marvel” is a word used to describe the Chosen Ones (from “marvellous”, 1 Peter 2:9) and the name of one of the biggest comic book publishers in the world. Like I said in an earlier post, all comic book superheroes are based on the MARVELLOUS Chosen Ones and just like in the comics and TV shows/movies, those who were born with that special gene have been targeted since birth. They’re jealous of Us and hate Us and have even gone as far as to try and kill Us (in My case, multiple times).

In Marvel comic books, Sentinels are a group of mutant-hunting robots who have been programmed to locate mutants and kill them. In real life, I call them various names, e.g. subhumans, zombies, pigs, mongrels, bastards, NPCs, etc. They’re all the same thing and they will always openly (or secretly) hate You because You’re different to them. All the paintings in My Revelation series are about the revelation of the Chosen Ones and the prophecy of the extermination of all subhumans at the end of this Age. That includes the current painting I’m working on titled, Blitzkrieg The Subhumans.

November 24, 2024

Seen - Graffiti Loser - Blitzkrieg The Subhumans

Here’s the man himself, the “Graffiti Loser” from the Bronx in New York City. Probably the most well-known graffiti artist in the world who I actually liked when I was a kid …. but I was brainwashed back then like all kids are. Who knew that 40 years later I would literally surpass him in skill which I guess makes Me the Winner. Nobody knows who I am though because I’m not one of them (the nose always gives it away). Why would you call yourself a “loser” anyway?

Seen - Graffiti Loser - Blitzkrieg The Subhumans

Graffiti Loser should stick to his toy graffiti because he clearly doesn’t have what it takes to be a fine pop artist. In the first photo he’s standing next to My latest painting, Blitzkrieg The Subhumans. Compare to his painting of Wonder Woman above.

Seen - Graffiti Loser - Wonder Woman Painting

This Wonder Woman painting is even more embarrassing. He only painted one eyelash on the bottom of her right eye and it’s pointing in the wrong direction. He also forgot to outline the bottom of her tiara.

A bastard shall not enter the assembly of the Lord; even to the tenth generation none of his descendants shall enter the assembly of the Lord.

Deuteronomy 23:2
Bondi Skatepark
With another graffiti loser at Bondi.
Graffiti loser (1987).

Terminator 2: Judgment Day

Terminator 2: Judgment Day - Sarah Connor Fence

Here’s a photo of Me that was taken where I sprayed My first graffiti “BITCH 66” character at Canterbury Park. It was the first time I jumped a fence back in My early 20’s. The photo reminds Me of the scene from Terminator 2: Judgment Day where Sarah Connor is also looking through a wire fence at a park and has the Sun shining on her face and the shadow of the fence cast on her skin.

Terminator: Judgment Day - Sarah Connor - Girl On Swing - Red Sky 2009

In 2009, a photo of a girl on a swing with a red sky behind her supposedly caused by a “dust storm” that swept across NSW and Queensland [1] was published in the newspaper. It was reported around the world and compared to a “nuclear winter and Armageddon.” Compare it to the girl on the swing who’s also from Terminator 2: Judgment Day. They’re both wearing the same pants and red shoes. Coincidence?

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