I have been contacted by the owner of Heavenly and warned him about Monica Moynihan, the art thief from Woodland Hills, California who is desperately trying to track down as many owners of Armando Huerta originals as she can. Why? Because she knows the true value of Armando’s art so is trying to buy everything she can while the owners of the art are still unaware of what the actual value of it is. This folks, is what I mean by “car salesman”. Fast-talking and shifty. This person has no morals whatsoever. She’s also trying to organize an exhibition where she’ll be exhibiting stolen Armando Huerta art so if you have been contacted by her, IGNORE, DELETE and BLOCK. The reason she’s holding the exhibition is to track down originals so she can then coerce the owners into selling to her.
If you are an owner of an Armando Huerta original do NOT under any circumstances sell it to anybody, especially Monica or her partner-in-crime Andrew Bloomer from Monroe, Louisiana. Hold onto what you have because you have a goldmine in your hands! I will explain more about the value of Armando’s originals later but for now, I’m going to tell you the story behind “Heavenly”, a painting of Jenna Jameson.
Jenna called Me and wanted to buy the painting. I told her the price was $10K and she didn’t want to pay. This was back in 2003. Silly girl! The painting is worth MILLIONS now. Armando wanted to give Me the painting but I told him to sell it because I didn’t want it, not because I don’t like the painting but because Jenna ripped Me off and I didn’t want her hanging on My wall … but that’s a story for another day. The point I’m trying to make is HOLD ONTO YOUR ORIGINALS! DO NOT SELL! The value is going to keep on increasing and Monica and Andrew are offering owners only a few thousand to buy!
Andrew Bloomer offered Me $4,500 to buy Radio Gaga. The guy is insane. Both he and Monica are taking advantage of everybody’s ignorance when it comes to the value of Armando’s originals and are trying to RIP YOU ALL OFF!
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Related Links:
Carlos Cartagena
Dark Lord Of Pin-Up
Armando Huerta Estate
Ricky Carralero Art Theft
Armando Huerta Art Theft
Looking For Stolen Paintings
Andrew Bloomer (Bloomdog)
Stolen Armando Huerta Books
Another Stolen Painting Found
Armando Huerta Exclusive Interview
Andrew Bloomer is an ugly mongrel with a very low intelligence quotient.