Dita Von Stink

Dita Von Teese Stinks

The hypocrites look clean on the outside but inside are full of putrid slime and filthy worms.

Millions of dainty ladies are using gallons of costly perfume to kill the beastly odor of their bodies, built of the excretions of the blood and flesh of the beast. It is somewhat like sprinkling perfume over a pile of barn-yard manure to kill its terrible odor.

Dita Von Teese Stinks

The blood of the beast builds a beast. If you as a human go to the beast for your food, you become beastly in nature, as your tissues and cells are built of the excretions and flesh of the beast you take into your body.

Dita Von Teese Is Full Of Worms

If you build your body of the excretions of the blood and flesh of the beast, not only do you become beastly in nature, but you also become beastly in odor. For you cannot have a body that smells like an orange when that body is built of the excretions of the blood and flesh of the beast. The law is, like begets like.

What’s inside Dita Von Teese?

Vegans stink too because they eat ultra-processed cooked food that is packed with nasty chemicals.

When’s the last time you cleaned the inside of your body?

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