My new goal is to read at least 15 non-fiction books a month for the next year. So far, I’ve read 4 in two days. 🤓

And so, the schools were established and controlled; and Man was misled to believe they were for his betterment and improvement, little suspecting their real purpose.
Then Johan G. Fichte (1762-1814) exposed the scheme in these words:
“Education should aim at destroying free-will, so that after pupils leave school, they shall be incapable, throughout the rest of their lives, to think or act otherwise than as their schoolmasters would have wished.” (Age of Treason, Clymer, p. 8).
It is amazing what can be done with people by a well-organized system of schooling and training. The results show that we can control the man by controlling his mind.
The evidence proves that it is possible to warp and dwarf the mind of the masses until they regard their enslavers as their benefactors, and are eager to turn upon and crucify the courageous one who, in pity, raises his voice sincerely on their behalf, and shows the sick and suffering the true way to a better life in harmony with the laws of Creation.
It is almost unbelievable how supposedly intelligent people can be so sadly misled and so well deceived. They continue to have faith in their economic enslavers and political tax-eaters who have failed them generation after generation.

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