

Do you know what the true meaning of crucifixion is? The hypocrites believe that a guy called “Jesus” was nailed to a cross and his death somehow erased all the evil deeds they’ve committed in their life. How nice would that be if it were actually true! That means I can kill anybody I want to, be the biggest slut in the universe, lie, cheat and commit every other evil imaginable and it would be okay, because the murder of some guy in a white dress magically erased everything thousands of years ago. Praise Jesus!

According to Matthew [1], Mark [2] and John [3], Jesus was crucified at Golgotha in Jerusalem. Revelation 11 states that Jesus was crucified at Sodom and Egypt. [4] So, which one is it?

Killing Joke - Absolute Dissent

The cover of Killing Joke’s album, Absolute Dissent, has a photo of a crucifix with four sector antennas [5] mounted on it. Crown (Corona) of thorns?

The type of antenna used for cellular base stations (vertical white rectangles in pictures), called a sector antenna, usually consists of a vertical collinear array of dipoles.

Sector antennas are microwave antennas and microwaves alter states of consciousness. The GWEN (“cell phone”) towers in conjunction with poisoning via food, water, air, pharmaceutical drugs and vaccines is the formula they use to keep everybody asleep.

Zombie Apocalypse
Don’t worry about a future zombie apocalypse because we’re already in one.

“Decode Trumpet” equals “Sector Antenna” which is interesting because 1 Corinthians 15:52 states:

In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed.

We shall be changed (evolve, transform) in a moment when the trumpet sounds.

The microwave auditory effect, also known as the microwave hearing effect or the Frey effect, consists of the human perception of sounds induced by pulsed or modulated radio frequencies.

Is the trumpet sound going to be beamed into our heads by the towers? Matthew 24 states that at the rapture one person will be “taken” and the other left behind. If you look up the meaning of the word “taken” you’ll see the definitions: “to receive something transmitted” and “to receive with the mind”. [6]

Killing Joke - Absolute Dissent - Crucifixion
Crucifixion - It Is Finished - Graphene Oxide

Jesus was crucified at the age of 33. There are also 33 vertebrae in your spine.

33 Spine Vertebrae

The spine begins at the base of the skull. In the bible, Jesus was crucified at Golgotha, a word meaning “skull”. The crucifixion of Jesus is a metaphor to describe the chemical crucifixion that happens in your head. Nobody called Jesus was literally nailed to a cross at Golgotha so that all your evil deeds can magically be erased. Anybody who believes that is mentally ill.

Golgotha - Crucify

“Crucifixion” also equals “Graphene Oxide”, the nanomaterial they are adding to what they call “vaccines”. It’s also being added to our water and food supply, and even sprayed in the air.

Disease X - Graphene Oxide Biochips - X-Men

Graphene oxide biochips are X-shaped, like the cross the make-believe Jesus was crucified on. The plan is to exterminate the useless eaters and evolve the X-Men … or more like, X-Woman.

X-Woman - Didgeridoo - Boomerang - Graphene Gaga

Lady Gaga’s music video for “Disease” is programming the zombies for the next plandemic.

In March 2020, The Lancet Infectious Diseases published a paper titled “Disease X: accelerating the development of medical countermeasures for the next pandemic”, which expanded the term to include Pathogen X (the pathogen that leads to Disease X), and identified areas of product development and international coordination that would help in combatting any future Disease X.

“Disease” was released as the lead single from Lady Gaga’s upcoming album. [7]

Mayhem Album Synchronicity

On January 16th I posted Mayhem’s Esoteric Warfare album cover on Instagram. Eleven days later, Lady Gaga announced the title of her new album, Mayhem. 😉

On December 21, 2024 I posted the front cover of Sepehr’s Occult Secrets of Vril and stated:

It’s highly doubtful that Robert Sepehr, the supposed “man from Atlantis”, knows where the Garden of Eden is because he eats rotting body parts and claims to know about Vril.

The third track on Mayhem is called “Garden of Eden”. 😉😉

Mayhem reminds Me of the internet name I used back in the 90s, “Mistress Mayhem”.

Mistress Mayhem - Nailed To The Cross

How funny is that? It’s like I prophesied that I’d be writing this article 30 years ago. It’s not the first time I’ve seen into the future.

Elon Musk - X Telsa - Gave It Way

Elon Musk didn’t make a typo when he said, “gave it way”. That’s how those in the know speak to others in the know.

Love Thy Neighbour

GWEN Tower Next Door

I live next door to a huge GWEN tower. Isn’t it pretty?

GWEN Tower Sector Antennas

The name “Gwen” means “White, holy”.

The word “Tetelestai” is Greek for “It Is Finished”, the last thing Jesus said before he died on the cross. The word “Tesla” is in “Tetelestai”.

Elon Musk - Tesla X - Tetelestai

Related Links:
Graphene Gaga

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