Levitating Joke

Levitating Joke

One person working with us was struck by lightning twice and survived, and one time, from what I could see, we achieved levitation.

Jaz Coleman on Magic, Mysticism and Mourning

I was thinking about what Jaz Coleman said and have come to the conclusion that he’s a liar.

From what I could see, we achieved levitation.

Really? He doesn’t sound too confident. I’m pretty sure if you levitated you’d clearly see and feel it. Youth, his bassist, states:

There was a point when it seemed like Jaz was levitating, floating in the air in the chamber [of the Great Pyramid of Giza].

Youth doesn’t sound confident either. “Seemed”? πŸ’©

Youth - Martin Glover

In his 2024 Far Out magazine interview [1] Youth states:

[The pyramid] is geographically positioned on the 32 or 33-degree latitude, which is tied in with the earth-energy ley lines.

That’s bullshit too. The Great Pyramid’s latitude is 29.9792Β° N. [2]

Do you know what’s located on the 33rd parallel? Two places I’ve lived at: Huntington Beach (33 degrees North) and Sydney (33 degrees South). βš‘πŸ‘‘

My sister and I levitated Our friend when we were kids. True story! I’ve been studying occult sciences since My early teens …. real magic, not lame card tricks and pulling rabbits out of hats. Magic is in My blood.

Lost Secrets of the Sacred Ark - Laurence Gardner
Levitation and Telportation - Sacred Ark
Levitation and Teleportation - Meissner Field - Sacred Ark
Meissner Field - Sacred Ark
Levitating Ark - Zero Point Energy

Jaz Coleman Supports the Murder Industry

Jaz Coleman - The Joker Jerk Chicken - Pie Caramba

Do you really think a low vibrational creature who eats low vibrational rotting body parts is capable of levitating?

I love Killing Joke, it is my favorite band, and Jaz, one of my favorite artists. He is a tremendous artist, few like him, I like to read his letters from Central America, and I love hot sauce! 🌢πŸ”₯ … the versatility is interesting, I hope I’m not rude, but I don’t think it is a positive thing that he uses his name to sell chicken, lamb and meat cakes … all that comes from an abusive and destructive slave industry. I have always admired the lyrics, and the messages that Killing Joke give us, and they are the opposite of oppression. That is why I am sorry that Jaz uses his name to promote and sell products that enrich the most abusive industry on the planet.

Jaz Coleman Gets Called Out on His Immoral Behaviour
Jaz Coleman Nose

You shall know them by their nose.

Jaz Coleman Nose Close-Up

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