
I was reading about midi-chlorians and how Force-sensitive individuals with a high number of them can utilise the powers of the Force (Vril). In the Star Wars franchise, Anakin Skywalker has 27,000 midi-chlorians which makes him The Chosen One.

I then decided to go to the store and while driving there another truck with the word “Elite” pulled out in front of Me.

Elite Truck

That’s two trucks with “Elite” on them in 3 days. Coincidence? No, because there’s no such thing.

Don't Mistake Coincidence For Fate

What Are Midi-Chlorians?

This is the cosmology. The Force is the energy, the fuel, and without it everything would fall apart. The Force is a metaphor for God, and God is essentially unknowable. But behind it is another metaphor, which fits so well into the movie that I couldn’t resist it.

Midi-chlorians are the equivalent of mitochondria in living organisms and photosynthesis in plants — I simply combined them for easier consumption by the viewer. Mitochondria create the chemical energy that turns one cell into two cells.

I like to think that there is a unified reality to life and that it exists everywhere in the universe and that it controls things, but you can also control it.

If we have enough midi-chlorians in our body, we can have a certain amount of control over our Personal Force and learn how to use it, like the Buddhist practice of being able to walk on hot coals. Some people can’t because they just don’t have as many midi-chlorians — that’s just genetics. So the more midi-chlorians we have, the more accessibility we have to the Force. So we have to be trained how to use it.

If you have more than a certain number of midi-chlorians, you can become a Jedi … The Jedi by nature of their genetics have more midi-chlorians than most people.

George Lucas

George Lucas chose Hayden Christensen to play Anakin Skywalker because he is an Aryan with blonde hair and blue eyes. Take note of Hayden’s last name, Christensen. It has the word “Christ” in it which is a title and not the actual name of a person.

Pure-blooded Aryans by nature of their genetics have the most midi-chlorians hence the reason the mongrels who rule this world consider Us their “most dangerous enemy”.

White People - Our Most Dangerous Enemy
Rabbi Emanuel Rabinovich (January 12, 1952).

They want to exterminate Us because they’re scared of Us. Well Rabbi Fuckface, I’m still here so your plan has failed. These subhuman mongrel pigs are the ones who invented the word “racist” and they’ve successfully programmed all the mindless zombies into slandering every human who exposes the half-breeds for what they are. There is no such thing as racism because there is only one race — the pure-blooded human race.

Who Are The Humans?

The first human being (“Adam”) created was female and She was White. Adam is a word meaning “ruddy”, to show blood (in the face), that is, flush or turn rosy, to blush. Human beings are “fair, comely, white (as snow), pure.”

And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness.

Genesis 1:26

The original word for “God” is “Elohim” which is plural. The gods made human beings in their image. If it has brown eyes and black hair then you know it is a human mixed with an ape.

The gods DID NOT create these creatures nor human beings that are mixed with these creatures.

Do you really believe that We are related to this?

Or this?

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Adam Is A Girl

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