Judge Dredd

“Sylvester Stallone” is code for Christ, the “Beast”. “Adrian”, which is what Stallone says in Rocky, equals “Beast” in two ciphers so that’s double confirmation. It also equals “Time” and that’s what you see in the CNN article for the watches Stallone is auctioning which show the time of the rising/crowning of the Beast as confirmed by Bambie Thug’s Eurovision performance. See Crown The Witch.

Further confirmation can be found in this headline with the words “Big Beast” which equals “Horse”.

The Christ/Antichrist is the rider on the White horse. It’s the same person. Remember, “anti” means “in the place of” or “instead of” so, instead of “Jesus” who everybody is expecting to return at the “Second Coming”. The Christ is female.

Taylor Swift - White Horse

The initials for Sylvester Stallone are “SS” which is “Schutzstaffel”, the paramilitary organisation under Adolf Hitler.

SS Flag

The uneducated call him a “Nazi” which is actually an insult because the word “Nazi” means “idiot” and is a word used by jealous racists to attack Europeans today. Neither Hitler or any of the National Socialists called themselves “Nazis”.

The “SS” pure-blooded Christ is an Atlantean, the “Holy Grail” as confirmed by the headline in the Stallone article. “SS” equals “Gold” and the chemical symbol for gold is “AU”, the same as the country code for Australia. Australia is known as the “Lucky Country” and the swastika is a sign of good luck.

The “SS” Beast is going to rise from Australia. The flag of the German Reich is red, black and white like Judge Dredd’s helmet.

Judge Dredd Comic

…. which has an “SS” on it and a skull.

German Totenkopf - Skull - Eagle

“Totenkopf” is the German word for skull and has the same gematria value as “King Of Kings” and “Queen Of May”. The Christ/Beast/Judge is female.

Judge Dredd - Sylvester Stallone

Sylvester Stallone played Judge Dredd in the movie. If you look at his visor you will see that it’s in the shape of a “M” for Mary which means bitter like Wormwood. She’s the “King Of Kings” and “Queen Of May”.

There’s also an “X” on Judge Dredd’s visor which equals 24 for 2024.

Judge Dredd - X - Helmet

Judge Dredd is a law enforcement and judicial officer in the dystopian future city of “Mega-City One”, which covers most of the east coast of North America. Mega-City One is a post-nuclear megalopolis.

“Judge Dredd” has a gematria value of 82 like “The Lord” and “The Way” which is what Jesus calls himself in John 14:6.

I am the way, the truth, and the life.

Judge Dredd’s catchphrase is “I Am The Law” which has a gematria value of 92 like “Sydney” which is in Australia.

Judge Dredd - I Am The Law

It also equals “Manhattan” and “Tick Tock” which is the sound the watches that Stallone is auctioning make. See Tick Tock.

Judge Dredd’s full name is “Judge Joseph Dredd” which has a gematria value of 155 like “The King Of Kings”, “The Queen Of May” and “Coronavirus”. Corona means “crown” and that’s what you see behind Bambie Thug at the end of her Eurovision performance.

Judge Dredd, the “SS” Beast/Christ is going to be crowned in May, according to the code.

Revelation 19:11

And I saw heaven opened, and behold a white horse; and he that sat upon him was called Faithful and True, and in righteousness he doth judge and make war ….

And he was clothed with a vesture dipped in blood ….

White Horse - Big Ben

And he hath on his vesture and on his thigh a name written, KING OF KINGS, AND LORD OF LORDS.

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