In every generation, people have asked the question, ‘Who is the Antichrist?’ Can we identify who he is? Does the Word of God have that answer? There has been much speculation over the hundreds of years who that person is or might be. Finally, a compelling and revealing eye opener who the real Antichrist is, “Will the Real Antichrist Please Stand Up!”
The “Real Antichrist” will be “As White As Snow”. In Revelation 1:14 you’ll see the phrase “As White As Snow” where it describes the “Coming One”, the “Alpha And Omega”.
Christians think this is referring to “Jesus Christ” but Christians are clueless. The verse before states he’s one like a “Son Of Man”, and not “Jesus Christ”. Obviously this is referring to the “Antichrist”. The word “anti” means “in the place of” or “instead of” so “Instead Of Christ”.
In the Jewish cipher “Instead Of Christ” is 595 like “Holy Grail” and “Zagreb“, the capital city of Croatia. My artist uncle lives in Zagreb. The city is home to the Gothic “Zagreb Cathedral” dedicated to the “Assumption Of Mary“.
One of its two spires was damaged in an earthquake that took place right after the Spring equinox on March 22, 2020.
Read more about the “Giant Nail” at Lamb Of God.
Related Links:
Antichrist Is A Woman
Antichrist Is A Woman (Part 3)
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