Goth Wannabes (Part 2)

Subhuman mongrels are unable to differentiate between right and wrong and that’s because their genetic code is all messed up. Again, get offended all you like, I don’t care. Haters of the truth will always accuse Me of being the hater because their eyes have been blinded and their ears are full of wax. Like Jesus, I’ve been trying to raise the dead (make the blind see and the deaf hear) since 2007 and it’s just a total waste of bloody time. It’s like talking to a pile of dried up dog shit on the ground. Have you heard of “synthetics” (clones)? They’re like those robots in the TV show Westworld. Programmed drones who just carry out their master’s orders. Do you really think all the people in this world are human? Have you ever looked into somebody’s eyes and seen absolutely nothing there? I have. Look into Jenna Jameson’s eyes and all you’ll see is a huge black hole. You really need to talk to her face-to-face to see what I mean. She’s a full-on synthetic. She even looks artificial, like that Sophia robot. She’s won multiple awards for getting raped in the arse by hundreds of men so obviously she’s not human.

Sophia is a humanoid robot developed by Hong Kong based company Hanson Robotics.
Jenna Jameson the humanoid robot (Comic Con, San Diego, 2007).

The poster behind her is one of the business ideas she stole from Me. I was planning to publish a comic book featuring art created by Armando Huerta but RoboSlut stole My idea and went to another, less talented, artist and had Virgin Comics publish a crappy one for her. I will talk about Jenna’s thievery (there’s more) and unethical business practices in another blog.

I came to this world to be everybody’s punching bag because you have to get the shit kicked out of you in order to toughen up and become a Man or Woman of Steel. I’m the ultimate super soldier, slaughtered since day one, and that’s fine with Me, on most days. On others (like today), I just want to fucking kill Myself and get it over and done with. They told Me I signed up for this shit. Really? Because I can’t remember doing anything of the sort. Who the hell would want to volunteer to get abused their entire life? You must be some kind of sick bitch to want to get ripped to shreds like I have. Well, I have been called a “sick bitch”, so maybe I am. Sick, as in “cool as fuck”.

Goth Wannabes (Part 2)

Who are these clowns kidding? They constantly spew hate at us, whether to our faces or behind our backs, and then try to dress like us. Haters really are our biggest fans! I went out to a pool hall in Vegas one night and walked passed a group of black chicks. One of them screamed out, “SLUT!” WTF. All I did was walk past them and supposedly that made Me a whore. See what I mean? These haters can’t help themselves. They see a beautiful White person, instantly turn green (or brown) with envy, and in retaliation, start screaming at them. In the worst case scenario, they’ll beat the shit out of them, or even murder them, like they tried to do to Me. It’s a great way to traumatise somebody, which is fine because as stated above, it’s required in order to train you to become the ultimate assassin, like John Wick.

I’ve always wanted to go to the M’era Luna Festival in Germany because a lot of cool bands play there, like Covenant, Nachtmahr, Solar Fake, and Project Pitchfork, just to name a few. I can’t leave the country because I’m on lockdown, thanks to My murderous ex-boyfriend, and that’s why I’m going to full John Wick x 1,000 when it’s time to take back what belongs to Me. You want to stop Me from seeing Peter Spilles live? Then I’ll show you what it feels like to get your head ripped off and shoved up your arse. Ready for it?

M’era Luna looks cool but a lot of the people who go there are Goth wannabes. They look White but that doesn’t mean they’re White on the inside. It’s not only your skin colour that determines whether you’re Goth, but also your genes. If I went to M’era Luna, I sure as hell wouldn’t be dressing like these two clowns.

Do you really think it’s necessary to dress like that to “prove” that you’re Goth? No. What the hell is that? Embarrassing is what it is. Real Goths don’t dress like that.

Oh look, Marilyn Manson went to Africa and got a tan. I’m laughing so hard I’m crying and choking at the same time. See, that’s what happens when the cops won’t allow you to fly to Germany to go see your favourite bands. I have to compensate by going online and unleashing My fury on inferior species.

Sweetie, no. Gothic people are the opposite of black. You got your shit all backwards.

The Germans are caving under the pressure. Both Blutengel and Rammstein hired niggers to pose as Goths for their music videos “Surrender To The Darkness” and “Deutschland“. See what happens when you constantly accuse White people of being “Nazis”? You force them to do something that they don’t really want to do, and are only doing to shut up all the people who are accusing them of being racist.

“The God of Light” is black? What you talkin’ ’bout Chris Pohl? Lucifer is as White as snow.

You’ll find the wannabes in India as well. My neighbour is Indian and he’s racist as fuck. He knocked on My front door with his wife one day after I told his papadum-munching son to stop slamming the ball against the side of My fence while I was trying to edit a video. I thought that was a fair request to make, right? I also told him that if he didn’t stop I’d call the police and have them make him stop. Five minutes later his parents rocked up to My front door. I could tell they weren’t vegan because the wife was obese and she looked demon-possessed. You can always tell who eats rotting corpses and who doesn’t by the look they have in their eyes. This chick was full-blown The Exorcist part 6 material. She was raging.

Did you threaten my son?

What do you mean?

Did you threaten my son and tell him that you were going to call the police?

That’s not threatening him. That’s informing him. If I wanted to threaten your son I would have told him that I was going to slit his throat.

The Indian corpse cruncher’s jaw hit the ground and she looked over at her husband in disbelief. “She’s crazy”, he said.

Of course I’m crazy. I’m White. White people are the most psychotic and evil people on the planet, according to everybody who isn’t White. I told the two pigs that I wasn’t the one praying to some curry-munching half elephant god in the sky so obviously, they were just projecting.

I then told them that they had 30 seconds to get off My property before I punched the demon-possessed wife so hard that she’d go flying into My garden. Psycho woman’s face instantly turned a reddish-brown colour and her eyes started bulging out of her huge head. She took a step forward and told Me that she was going to hit Me. Her husband grabbed her arm to stop her and said, “Let’s just go”, and off they went. Every time the Indian dude sees Me now he flashes a fake smile.

Curry isn’t “Snow White”.

What’s wrong with these creatures? Can’t they just embrace their own species? Do they really hate themselves, that much? They all want to be us, and accuse us of being racist at the same time. Is that messed up, or what? Hey wannabes! Do not call Me “racist” and do not call me a “Nazi” because you’re not human. Stop projecting your self-hatred onto Me and other humans and start learning how to love yourself, for a change.

Sandy Warhol is a controversial satirist, artist, writer, humanitarian and political activist who is constantly being persecuted, censored and falsely accused for crimes She never committed by the misogynistic patriarchal system and those who support it. For years, Her radical activism and brutal honesty have been causing outrage among the mindless and obedient masses who have chosen to live a comfortable lie instead of being true to themselves and what they know deep down in their hearts.

If you have a problem with Sandy stating the facts then please email your complaint to:

Related Links:
Goth Wannabes
Herrenvolk Goths

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