This is one of many comments I’ve seen online regarding people who’ve paid a certain artist for a commission and he simply stole their money and never provided what they paid for. As stated on My About page, I am both an artist and a collector, and also happen to be another person who paid this artist thousands of dollars for a painting I never received. What makes things worse is that this person claims to be My “friend”. We’ve known each other for 18 years so I guess that makes it okay. Actually no, it’s not okay. It’s not okay to rip off your “friend” and it’s definitely not okay to rip off fans of your art. At first I thought I was the only one but no, there are others. Many others. I also happen to know another fan of this artist who got ripped off $20,000. Just so you know, I would NEVER do this to a collector because I have morals. I also understand the Law of Causality (Cause and Effect). If you believe you can continue to steal from people and not suffer any consequences, then you are nothing but a fool. You can be the “greatest artist in the world”, or whatever other self-aggrandising title you want to give yourself but if you have no morals, then you’re merely talking out of your arse and eventually will reap what you have sown.
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